September 08, 2012


I'm waiting to fire the kiln, 
an assortment of thrown and handbuilt pots
some burnished and some not.
White and Terracotta Earthenware,
and Raku White and T.

September 01, 2012

Pit Fire

These photos are of the big metal pot I picked up at a Clearance Sale.  It has been used to render down fat etc. at an abattoirs.  I intend to line it with good burning wood, then build up layers inside with pots and sawdust, and lots of colour making goodies. etc. to carry out a pit fire.  It's very deep and large enough to hold quite a lot of pots.  I thought it would be better than digging a hole in the ground  and if needed can also light a fire around the outside for extra heat.Can't wait to try it out, still madly making pots and burnishing first, then a low bisque fire and then the fun can begin.